LG will shut down its NFT platform amid a broader market downturn that’s seen major collections lose over 70% of their value.
3月18日消息,据CoinDesk引援Blockspace报道,两个比特币改进提案(BIP):BIP 119和BIP 348正在获得民众支持,这两个提案可能会在比特币的下一次软分叉中实现。BIP 119指的是OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY (CTV),而BIP 348指的是OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS)。 这些BIP提出了编写比特币脚本的新方法,得到了...
Writer Benjamin Wallace's forthcoming book, The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto (The Mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto), will be released on March 18, delving into the mystery of the identity of the founder of Bitcoin. Although the book fails to reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, it provides a detailed review of the Cypherpunk movement and the birth of Bitcoin, and analyzes potential candidates such as Hal Finney, Nick Szabo, and Len Sassaman. Wallace uses text style analysis in his book...
作家Benjamin Wallace即将于3月18日发布新书《The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto》(神秘的中本聪),深入调查比特币创始人的身份之谜。虽然书中未能揭示中本聪的真实身份,但详细回顾了密码朋克(Cypherpunk)运动及比特币的诞生背景,并分析了Hal Finney、Nick Szabo、Len Sassaman等潜在候选人。 Wallace在书中使用文本风格分析...
SpaceX's Crew-10 mission successfully connected to the International Space Station (ISS) in the early hours of March 16 local time, allowing two astronauts who had been trapped in orbit for months to finally return to Earth. NASA astronauts Williams and Wilmore have been stranded on the ISS since last June after a series of technical problems with their Boeing Starliner spacecraft prevented them from returning to Earth eight days after their initial planned arrival.
SpaceX: All systems are working well, the weather is good, and tonight the "Falcon 9" rocket will launch, sending the "Dragon" spacecraft and four astronauts to the International Space Station.
According to Arkham monitoring data, the Nucleus Marketplace wallet woke up early this morning after nine years of silence and transferred $77.50 million worth of bitcoin to three new wallets. At present, the Nucleus Marketplace wallet still holds $365 million worth of bitcoin. The transfer has attracted market attention, but the specific reason is not clear.
Arkham监测数据显示,Nucleus Marketplace的钱包在沉寂9年后于今日凌晨突然苏醒,将价值7750万美元的比特币转移至3个新钱包。目前,Nucleus Marketplace的钱包仍持有价值3.65亿美元的比特币。此次转移引发市场关注,具体原因尚不明确。
SpaceX's eighth test flight ignition lifts off.
SpaceX successfully recovered its rocket booster during Starship's eighth test flight.
SpaceX's starship lost control in space minutes after launch, causing its engines to stall.